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THE WAY TO SAY "HOW ARE YOU" - You and I Want to learn a few new ways to say "How are you?"" This is a question we ask all the time. When we meet someone new, bump into a colleague at work and especially when we meet friends.
It can get a bit repetitive to always ask the same question: How are you? There are so many other ways you can ask. Here are a few of them.
We can’t leave this one out. It’s one of the most basic phrases in the English language and you can use it in any context. With friends, colleagues, your boss, your teacher… it’s always good.
The usual response, certainly in the English-speaking world is ‘Fine, thanks’, or ‘Good, thanks’. We would answer in this way even if the sky is falling around us. So ‘How are you?’ isn’t always a question that invites a truthful answer.
This is a question you would ask someone you know. It implies that you know a bit about their life and that you don’t mind hearing about it. So you could ask a colleague, ‘How’s everything?’, and they might answer, ‘All good, thanks. That project I was working on…’.
This is another good question to ask someone you know. It invites them to tell you a bit about their life and what has happened since you last saw them. So you’re more likely to hear a truthful answer to this question than you are if you ask ‘How are you?’.
People who ask this question expect you to simply say, ‘Yes, I’m very well, thanks,’ or something similar. ‘Are you well?’ doesn’t really invite a long, in-depth answer unless it’s being asked by someone close to you who happens to be quite old fashioned.
‘How are you keeping?’ is old fashioned and definitely more British than American. You can answer, ‘I’m keeping well,’ but this is really, really old fashioned, so it’s better to just say, ‘Very well, thank you,’ or something similar.
Now you have a lot of choices of ways to ask someone, ‘How are you?’. It’s good to remember which ones invite a longer answer so you can avoid asking them when you’re in a hurry!
Thank You.
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